Factors of incidence on the emergence of Urticaria hives

The urticaria consists in the emergence of reddish and inflamed areas on the skin (also known as hives) which produce an intense itching on the person that is affected by the condition. The urticaria suddenly emerges and it can disappear very fast in one or two hours, but the lesions and symptoms can also last for twenty four hours. Frequently these hives emerge in groups and new hives emerge while others disappear. It has been approximately calculated that about twenty percent of the population is or has been affected at least once in life by the emergence of urticaria hives.

Frequently the urticaria is a secondary effect of the intake of certain foods or medicines. There are also environmental factors and physiological factors that have incidence on the emergence of urticaria. Foods that can trigger the emergence of urticaria hives are shellfish, walnuts, tomatoes and berries among others. Some medicines that are frequently responsible for the emergence of urticaria hives are Phenobarbital, penicillin, anticonvulsants, aspirin and sulfa drugs.

Which are the causes for urticaria?

A common way of urticaria is known as Dermographism which is present in about five percent of the population. This type of urticaria is produced by a constant friction over the skin, it frequently emerges after scratching the skin or when the person uses tight clothes. The cholinergic urticaria is the medical term which makes reference to the type of urticaria that is developed after the activities which increase body temperature. The activities that can increase body temperature are: showers, tub baths, whirlpool baths, fiver, exercises and emotional tension. It has been estimated that about five to seven percent of the population which are affected by urticaria can also present cholinergic urticaria.

The urticaria induced by cold emerges after the exposition of skin to wind, or to water at a very low temperature. Urticaria hives can emerge on extremities and generally in area that has been exposed. Cold water or liquids can produce symptoms on lips or inside the mouth.

Solar urticaria is produced by the exposition of skin to sunlight or to sun lamps; the reaction can take place in about three minutes. Exercise is another causative factor for the emergence of urticaria. Some individuals that are affected by this condition can also manifest pulmonary obstruction and loss of consciousness. This reaction is very severe and receives the name of anaphylaxis induced by exercise.

Sometimes the urticaria is presented in a recurrent way on individuals with no evident cause. In this case the condition is known as chronic urticaria. Although this condition implies a lot of annoyance it is not linked to a sever condition and does not imply a risk for health. The exact mechanism of this condition is not known and the urticaria usually disappears after some time.

It is recommended to avoid foods, medicines and other factors that have incidence on the emergence of urticaria. And for the treatment are useful the antihistamines.
